HeartSword Sangha
OnLine Sangha
We meet online to discuss topics on advanced spirituality. The link will take you to former talks. To join us for free for the community discussion and question and answer, please stay tuned for the link coming here soon. You are free to join us if you are a beginner.
What makes this “advanced”?
Similar to a seasoned musician playing differently than a beginner, those deeply immersed in advanced spiritual work operate from a foundational understanding. This includes the ability to dive directly into meditation without gradual easing or the ability to journey in the spirit world and get their own direct answers. The advanced practitioner has given up the idea that enlightenment means perfection and has embraced the hot mess of it all. What does that mean? They fully accept being BOTH fallible human and simply divine. The advanced practitioner still struggles, but knows those struggles are points of doubt still unwinding in their system and works on them humbly on their own & with the sangha. They recognize that spirituality won't solve problems; instead, they have the courage to confront them with an open heart. They understand that an Open Heart, without the Sword of Truth, leads to burnout, chaos, and suffering. The advanced practitioner directly knows Oneness with all things but is still working out the remnants of blind spots and separation that exist, not as a problem but as part of the journey. On the precipice of living our awakening, we navigate the journey, stumbling more than succeeding and riding the waves as best we can. This is where we start from in the advanced work.
Please join us from wherever you are in the world.
In 2025, In a myriad of ways we are sitting with a Vanessa Andreotti’s question of: How do we expand our capacity to sit with what is difficult and broken in our world without feeling immobilized, overwhelmed, demanding quick fixes, or being rescued from the discomfort? (Hospicing Modernity)
Physical Sangha
We meet twice a month on a Big Island Hawaii food forest farm for meditation, prayer and serious inner work. In devotion, we commit to meeting the truth as a community.
Please join us if you are in the area!